Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published 3 months ago
Updated last month
changed lots of stuff! hopefully i never have to do this again because i think i must have redone every texture at this point at least once. ship of theseus at this point
changed textures for the following:
- basalt
- (now has alts)
- smooth basalt
- netherrack/nether ores
- (netherrack now has alts)
- crimson/warped nylium
- (now have alts)
- nether wart block/warped wart block
- blackstone/gilded blackstone
- (blackstone now has alts)
- chiseled polished blackstone
- nether bricks/cracked nether bricks/red nether bricks
- (nether brick now has alts)
- bookshelves
- (now have alts)
- barrel
- red and brown mushroom plants
- crimson and warped fungi plants
- beehive
- loom side
- iron bars
- lectern
- enchanting table
- breeze
- (now looks like blaze)
- tooltip background
- structure void
- missing map icons
- CTM for crimson/warped nylium
added biome-dependent textures for the following mobs (modded biomes only, requires either optifine or entity model features/entity texture features):
- blazes
- (Infernal Dunes; Incendium / Pipeline Sentries; Incendium)
- slimes
- (Toxic Heap; Incendium)
- wither skeletons
- (Withered Forest; Incendium)
added models for the following (requires either optifine or entity model features/entity texture features):
- piglin/piglin brutes
- now slight variation in jewelry between mobs
- squid/glow squid
- now have custom animations
fixed the following:
- fixed sculk/sculk vein normalmap issue in which texture would appear glitched when using shaders
- fixed emissive texture for piglin brutes so only one eye glows when appropriate variant is displayed
removed the following:
- normalmaps for regular/polished/smooth basalt top and sides
- caused artifacts on texture when used with shaders/basalt in real life isn't that bumpy
- specular map for smooth basalt
- smooth basalt looked inappropriately shiny
- ctm for crimson nylium to go onto warped
- warped overtakes crimson in all cases
- ctm for warped to go onto crimson
- will now use regular ctm instead of unique textures for this one case -ctm for warped nylium in inverted forest
- no longer applies due to updated textures
- biome-dependent textures for smooth basalt in Ash Barrens
- no longer applies due to updated textures
- specular maps for nether bricks and variants
- bricks looked inappropriately shiny
- normalmap for calcite
- caused artifacts on texture when used with shaders
Updated the following textures:
- Hoglin
- Zoglin
- Piglin
- Piglin Brute
- Zombified Piglin + variants
- Blaze
- Dolphin
- Phantom - variants
- Ravager
- Vindicator
- Evoker
- Pillager
- Illusioner
Removed custom model for Ravager
Nullscape only:
- Added CTM for Pale Moss for Shadowlands biome
Idyllon MiB) Primary
Release channel
ReleaseVersion number
4Game versions
370Publication date
January 29, 2025 at 9:06 PMPublisher
