- Added a holy spellcasting mob: the Priest. Spawns in a new house in plains villages.
- Added Guiding Bolt Spell
- Added Chain Lightning Spell
- Added Gust Spell
- Added functionality to modded and vanilla projectiles to pass through players with evasion, instead of thinking there was an impact
- Added Spellbook Category of Equipment to Apotheosis (Thanks to amo)
- Added Poison Apotheosis Gem
- Invisibility removes you as the active target from nearby mobs that were targeting you.
- Slimmed down priest armor model.
- Disabled first person animations entirely if both configs are disabled
- Improved casting mob movement logic
- Scroll Forge Ink Outline shifted to match ink texture
- Fixed ground detection that prevented certain spells from working below y = 0
- Fixed and issue where casting mobs could choose to drink a potion and cast a spell at the same time