Changelog | 2.7.0
Added Lifesteal Enchantment. There are 3 levels to this enchantment that increase the amount of health you get when you damage a player. This is also applied AFTER the final damage value (meaning if the attacked player had armor, you would get less health back). The formula applied to the levels is Health = (damage * ( (level/maxlevel) * 0.5) ). You would get the "Health" variable added to your Health.
Can be disabled via configurations
THIS 1.16.5 VERSION MAY HAVE BUGS. The mod was tested but there were things I could've missed, I also didn't test every single configuration option because there's too many for me to test. If you find a bug, please report it to the issue tracker.
Changelog | Release 2.6.0 (Not a mod update, just a MC version downport)
Downported to 1.16.5 One thing that wasn't able to be ported from the mod is the xp from Heart Ore. (Couldn't figure out how to do it in this version and I didn't wanna spend all day figuring it out. This may be fixed in a later patch)
THIS 1.18.2 VERSION MAY HAVE BUGS. The mod was tested but there were things I could've missed, I also didn't test every single configuration option because there's too many for me to test. If you find a bug, please report it to the issue tracker.
Changelog | Release 2.6.2 (Not a mod update, just a MC version downport)
Downported to 1.18.2
THIS 1.17.1 VERSION MAY HAVE BUGS. The mod was tested but there were things I could've missed, I also didn't test every single configuration option because there's too many for me to test. If you find a bug, please report it to the issue tracker.
Changelog | Release 2.6.1 (Not a mod update, just a MC version downport)
Downported to 1.17.1