Full Changelog: Link to the Full Changelog
Fixed more cascading issues in MixinFixRubberTreesCascadingWorldgenLag, addressing bugs caused by the mixin
Resolved a crash on startup caused by MixinEntityLivingUpdate.
Fixed a NullPointerException caused by MixinFixWorldGenPamFruitTree.
Corrected a recursion issue in MixinFixRubberTreesCascadingWorldgenLag that caused cascading world generation.
Mixins Added
Added MixinFixCascadingFromWorldGenBrassTree.
Added MixinFixWorldGenPamFruitTree.
Added steamcraft2 as a new (indev) dependency.
Applied code formatting using spotlessApply.
Fix #17
- update dependency to use harvestcraft gtnh instead of harvestcraft official
- copyed the code from gtnh to the mixin for use with the original pam harvestcraft,but can be also used with the gtnh version
- spotless apply
- fix crash calssnotfoundexception with minefactory reloaded
Cleanup code
Fix a crash sometimes on world loading caused by OreDictionaryArbiter from Cofh core Mod
Disable initial world chunk load. This makes world load much faster, but in exchange the player may see incomplete chunks (like when teleporting to a new area). ZombieHDGaming taken from https://github.com/quentin452/BattleTowersFixes/blob/1.7.10-backport/src/main/java/mod/acgaming/btfixes/mixin/vanilla/MinecraftServerMixin.java (disabled by default)
Fix #16