- Messages with shared items are now considered actual chat messages, meaning they should be picked up by most, if not all, chat-related mods.
- Messages with shared items are now considered "authentic" by Minecraft, meaning they can be reported if the server allows it.
- Messages with shared items are now stored in your chat history, meaning you can use the up-arrow key to retrieve a message with a shared item you previously sent.
Updated to 1.19.2.
Due to changes on Mojang's side to the chat system, and having signed messages, and me trying hard to make it work properly, this update took way too long.
Thanks CephalonCosmic for the PR.
Unfortunately, messages you send with an item linked won't be signed. I'll see if I can get this to work in a future version, but for now, this means those message can't be reported (their authenticity can't be verified). Keep that in mind when installing the mod.
A version for 1.19.3 will follow.
This update removes the compatibility plugin for Calio, meaning it will be incompatible with any mod that uses a Calio version older than 1.5.0.
Most notably, this means this version won't work with Origins 1.3.2, but will need Origins to update to 1.4.0 before they can be used together. Use Show Me What You Got 1.0.0 if you want to use Origins 1.3.2.
However, this change makes Show Me What You Got compatible with some other mods again, such as FerriteCore.