- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when the 'Raging Javelin' effect activated while the players hand was empty
- Added OpenPAC support (friendlyfire logic now respects openPAC parties & allies)
- Added config option to enable skill tree experience loss on death
- Lightning Rod ability now ignores PassiveEntities
- Skill Chronicle now correctly stores and retrieves skill tree experience on use
- Updated dependencies
- Added Raging Javelin effect
- Reworked Spellbreaker passive
- Reworked Bound passive
- Reworked Lightning Rod passive
- Fixed a bug that caused Spellbreaker to be nonfunctional
- Significantly reduced cooldown of Wizard's Static Discharge
- Wizard's Static Discharge radius increased
- Updated some spell visual effects
- Rogue's Preparation tweaks
- Stealth passive reworked
- Reworked the way Exhaustion stacks are lost over time relative to the Stamina attribute of the player
- Frenzy passive damage bonus reduced from 75% to 35%
- Increase default spell haste CDR factor
- Remove ranged damage scaling from some Ascendancy abilities to resolve NaN health bug
- Logic that activates on melee hits will now also activate on melee spell hits
- Cleric and Crusader now gain +1 to Healing spell power
- Updated dependencies
- Updated to work with the latest version of Spell Engine
- Fixed possible crash relating to Torment/Agony effects when applied under non-standard circumstances
- Fixed tooltip for Bladestorm Siphon passive
- Fixed possible crash relating to the Agile buff
- Fixed an issue where the Precision passive was granting double the intended crit damage, but no crit chance
- Fixed an issue where mobs killed using Consecrate did not count as player kills
- Changed the outgoing damage calculation of the Overload explosion effect and added a damage cap
- Added additional effect description mod support
- Malevolent & Gracious Manuscript are now reusable items
- Malevolent Manuscript recipe no longer requires a Nether Star
- Added additional scaling settings for DAS
- Added French translation (Thanks NelWenn!)
- Updated to work with Pufferfish's Skills version (Thank you Pufferfish for the PR!)
- Reduced & capped exhaustion gain from Death Defy
- Capped exhaustion gain from Frenzy
- Rage can no longer be gained from damage sources that the player is invulnerable to
- Dreadglare & Greater Dreadglares now perform AoE sonic attacks when at range
- Fixed misplaced exclusive connection between Righteous Hammers & Ghostwalk in the Ascendancy tree
- DAS (Dynamic Attribute Scaling) reworked
- DAS now activates on entity load & periodically on tick
- DAS now dynamically scales up & down based on players in proximity, and their total cumulative invested skill points
- Added new Necromancer passive: Wraith Legion
- Added new Necromancer passive: Delightful Suffering
- Added new Necromancer passive: Endless Servitude
- Added new Necromancer passive: Shadow Combust
- Added new Necromancer passive: Shadow Aura
- Added new Necromancer passive: Plague
- Added new Necromancer passive: Pestilence
- Slight reworks to Necromancer passives: Greater Dreaglare & Blood Harvest
- Minions now correctly remove themselves when their owner is not present or is dead
- Slight buff to Wraith spell damage
- Buffed Greater Dreadglare HP inheritance
- Lengthened leash range for Dreadglare minions
- Improved attack consistency for Dreadglare minions
- Fixed a bug where minions could aggro on each other under some circumstances
- Wraith minions no longer target passive entities
- Added knockback resistance to Greater Dreadglare
- Fixed a connection bug between the Rapidfire & Chainbreaker skill nodes
- Added missing lang entries for Necromancer config
- Added missing ru_ru lang entries for some Necromancer passives (Thanks Atla01)
- New specialisation: Necromancer
- New Ascendancy end-game skill tree (unlocked after maxing out the base skill tree)
- 13 New Ascendancy abilities (usable alongside Signature abilities)
- New UI design and icons
- Minor balance changes
- ru_ru translation (Thanks Atla01)
Please note: Configs for new features are not available on this release and will arrive at a later date.
- Tooltip readability improvements
- Attribute gains from the basic passive nodes have been increased
- Reduced effectiveness of Might, Marksmanship, Spellforged, and Soulshock
- Increased the default cooldown reduction possible via Spellhaste (requires config reset)
- Added an audio cue when using an ability that it is on cooldown
- Changed Skill selection sound effects
- Changed Marksman Arrow sound effects & animation
- Fixed a bug that allowed for free point acquisition using junction nodes
- Removed unimplemented Specialisation nodes (Necromancer & Shaman)
Significant config changes - please delete the Simply Skills config and allow it to regenerate.
- Added new passive 'Quickdraw'
- Added Marksmanship effect
- Added Ruby Junction nodes to the base skill tree
- Added Agile effect
- Many passives that trigger off of spell casts now support spell casting from Amethyst Imbuement
- The following spells no longer require a target to cast: Ice Comet, Lightning Ball, Arcane Bolt, Frost Volley, Arcane Volley, Heavensmith's Call, Marksman Arrow, Elemental Arrows
- Increased the cast speed and stacks of Frost & Arcane Volley
- Marksman Arrow now scales with ranged damage
- Unseen passive reworked
- Reflexive passive reworked
- Slender & Frail passives reworked
- Disengage [Marksman] reworked
- Arcane Volley [Lesser] reworked
- Rogue's Evasion Mastery slight rework
- Buffed default config values for Rogue's Opportunistic Mastery
- Updated the Overload passive tooltip to correctly reflect the reduced values
- Loading a crossbow no longer breaks stealth when canceling the load early
- Empowered now has proper support fro all spells of the relevant school
- All Ranger abilities will now work correctly with shortbows from Archers & MCDW
- Increased the visual size of path nodes in the skill tree
- Improved readability of some passive tooltips
- A localised chat message is now displayed when a player unlocks a specialisation
- Signature ability HUD element added
- Overload now grants 45% spell crit damage, instead of 75%
- Overload self damage source changed to magic
- Overload deals slightly increased self damage
- Rogue's Shadowstrike reworked
- Stealth no longer breaks when damage is received while under the effects of Barrier
- Barrier particles reduced
- Barrier particles no longer visible when stealthed or when - entity height is less than 1
- Update dependencies