SpaghettiTrees 1.3.0 alpha 3 for 1.18.2
- This update adds configuration options to SpaghettiTrees.
- Whether to use logs or wood, blocks to use for random bushes and trunk placer parameters are now configurable.
- Now requires Cloth Config API (6.2.62 or later).
- Mod Menu is recommended to actually access the config screen.
SpaghettiTrees 1.3.0 alpha 2 for 1.18.2
This version adds randomised undergrowth bush generation, instead of always being oak. Bushes can generate with a randomly selected leaf and wood type (and sometimes with two types of leaves).
Also, Mod Menu config integration is planned for a future release (not too soon though as I have exams).
Thanks to @UntalentedAmateur on GitHub for suggesting random bush generation.
SpaghettiTrees 1.3.0 Alpha for 1.18.2
- No longer depends on Fabric API
- Updated to 1.18.2
- Custom trees now generate in Meadow biomes
These changes are for 1.18.2 versions only. 1.2.4+1.18.1 doesn't have these changes and still requires Fabric API. This release is not compatible with 1.18/1.18.1.