changes since 0.0.10
- made the hoe able to break blocks, that are not tillable (with exclusion for crops)
- fix black screen when inside blocks
- fix translation of smooth turning
- fix 1st person fishing line rendering
- fix Roughly Enough Items GUI not working
- fix crash with CC: Restitched
- fix crash with pointer keyboard
The first release
Please keep in mind that it is still a Beta, so their might still be bugs left.
While we will not make a list of "know good mods" , we will go for a list of "known bad mods" . In general, just try and see if it works, we can't test them all. But for now, here is a small list:
- Sodium : Working
- Iris : Broken shadows, mirror and other buffers
- Create : Loads, but untested
- Immersive portals : Broken
- Solved slim model display in 1st and 3rd person
- Solved vsync
- Reduced mixin for RenderTarget