Psora's Setup v1.16.6 for 1.21.4
Changes since v1.16.5:
Updated the following mods to their latest 1.21.4 versions:
- Advancement Plaques
- Architectury API
- C2ME
- Chat Heads
- Collective
- CreativeCore
- Dynamic FPS
- Entity Culling
- Fabric API
- Falling Leaves
- Iceberg
- ImmediatelyFast
- Iris
- Lithium
- More Culling
- Shulker Box Tooltip
- Sodium
- Variants CIT
- Simple Voice Chat
- YetAnotherConfigLib
Psora's Setup v1.16.5 for 1.21.4
Changes since v1.16.4:
Re-added the following mods (which were finally updated to 1.21.4 after literal months):
- Advancement Plaques
- Iceberg
- Legendary Tooltips
- Prism
- Tiny Item Animations
Updated the following mods to their latest 1.21.4 versions:
- C2ME
- Chat Heads
- Collective
- CreativeCore
- Fabric API
- Falling Leaves
- Fzzy Config
- ModernFix
- Mod Menu
- More Culling
- Not Enough Animations
- Sodium
- Sounds
- VillagerNames
Psora's Setup v1.16.4 for 1.21.4
Changes since v1.16.3:
Re-added the following mods:
- Not Enough Crashes (finally updated to 1.21.4)
- More Culling (NOTE: If using Psora's Tweaks, there are options you can disable in this mod from Mod Menu to fix glitched textures involving trapdoors you can see through; feel free to DM me on Discord for details!)
- Particle Core (finally updated to 1.21.4)
Updated the following mods to their latest 1.21.4 versions:
- Better Stats
- C2ME
- Chat Heads
- CreativeCore
- Debugify
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Fzzy Config
- Immediately Fast
- Lithium
- ModernFix
- Mod Menu
- Not Enough Animations
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Shulker Box Tooltip
- Wavey Capes
- WorldEdit
Psora's Setup v1.16.2 for 1.21.4
Changes since v1.16.1:
Updated the following mods to their latest 1.21.4 versions:
- AmbientSounds
- Better Stats
- C2ME
- Entity Texture Features (ETF)
- Fabric API
- Iris
- ModernFix
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Sodium
- Sounds
Mods that are no longer being added:
- Particle Core (hasn't updated in 4 months to 1.21.3 or 1.21.4. Snooze you lose, fzzyhmsters. Shame.)
Happy New Year!
Psora's Setup v1.16.1 for 1.21.4
Changes since v1.16.0:
Added the following mods:
- Make Bubbles Pop
- ScalableLux
Updated the following mods to their latest 1.21.4 versions:
- Better Clouds
- C2ME
- Entity Model Features (EMF)
- Fabric API
- Not Enough Animations
- Sodium
- Simple Voice Chat
Mods that still need to be updated to 1.21.4:
- Particle Core
Permanently removed:
- Eating Animation (1.21.4 allows this mod's features to be embedded in a resource pack. Coming soon to Psora's Tweaks v1.6.0+!)
Merry Christmas!
Psora's Setup v1.16.0 for 1.21.4
Changes since v1.16.0-beta1:
Added the following mods:
- Fabric Permissions API
Updated the following mods to their latest 1.21.4 versions:
- Better Stats
- C2ME
- Cloth Config
- Fabric API
- Immersive Thunder
- Sounds Physics Remastered
- Sounds
- TCD Commons
- WorldEdit
Mods that still need to be updated to 1.21.4:
- Eating Animation
- Particle Core
Mods being removed due to obscurity or lack of timely updates:
- Debugify (being removed due to the latest version crashing the game when entering End dimension - will be re-added after patch)
- Continuity (obscure due to Sodium 0.6.0 and discontinuation of dependency mod Indium)
- Distant Horizons (no update in 3 months past 1.21.1)
- ModernFix (no update past 1.21.1)
- Iceberg (no update past 1.21.1)
- Prism (no update in 4 months past 1.21.1)
- Advancement Plaques (no update past 1.21.1)
- Legendary Tooltips (no update past 1.21.1)
- Tiny Item Animations (no update in 4 months)
- Flow (author does not plan to update)
- NotEnoughCrashes (no update in 4 months)
- Indium (obscure due to Sodium 0.6.0)
Changes since v1.15.1 for Minecraft 1.21.3:
Removed the following mods (due to crashes/obscurity/lack of updates):
- Cardinal Components API
- Debugify
- Continuity
- Distant Horizons
- ModernFix
- Iceberg
- Prism
- Advancement Plaques
- Legendary Tooltips
- Tiny Item Animations
- Flow
- NotEnoughCrashes
- Indium
Added the following mods :
- Fabric Permissions API (prevents a crash involving WorldEdit)
- Bobby (due to lack of Distant Horizons update in last 3 months)
Updated the following mods to their latest 1.21.4 versions:
- Every single mod in the pack
- No like I'm actually serious lmao
Mods that still need to be updated to 1.21.4 (will be added in hotfix):
- Eating Animation
- Particle Core
Psora's Setup v1.16.0-beta1 for 1.21.4
Changes since v1.16.0-alpha3:
Updated the following mods to their latest 1.21.4 versions:
- Better Clouds
- Better F3
- Better Stats
- Bobby
- C2ME
- Chat Heads
- Cloth Config
- Collective
- Entity Model Features (EMF)
- Entity Texture Features (ETF)
- Entity Culling
- Fabric API
- Falling Leaves
- FerriteCore
- Forge Config API Port
- Fzzy Config
- Iris
- Language Reload
- NotEnoughAnimations
- OptiGUI
- Presence Footsteps
- Puzzle
- Shulker Box Tooltip
- Skin Layers 3D
- Sodium
- Sounds Physics Remastered
- Villager Names
- Wavey Capes
Mods that still need to be updated to 1.21.4 (or even 1.21.3, for that matter - step up your game, modders...):
- Advancement Plaques
- Continuity
- Distant Horizons
- Eating Animation
- Flow
- Iceberg
- Indium
- Legendary Tooltips
- ModernFix
- NotEnoughCrashes
- Particle Core
- Prism
- Sounds
- Tiny Item Animations
Psora's Setup v1.16.0-alpha3 for 1.21.4
Changes since v1.16.0-alpha2:
Updated the following mods to their latest 1.21.4 versions:
- Bad Optimizations
- C2ME
- Chat Notify
- Iris
- Logical Zoom
- Mod Menu
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Sodium Extra
- Visuality
Mods that still need to be updated to 1.21.4 (or even 1.21.3, for that matter - step up your game, modders...):
- Advancement Plaques
- Better Clouds
- Chat Heads
- Continuity
- Distant Horizons
- Eating Animation
- Entity Culling
- FerriteCore
- Flow
- Forge Config API Port
- Iceberg
- Indium
- Language Reload
- Legendary Tooltips
- ModernFix
- NotEnoughAnimations
- NotEnoughCrashes
- Particle Core
- Prism
- Puzzle
- Skin Layers 3D
- Sound Physics Remastered
- Sounds
- Tiny Item Animations
Psora's Setup v1.16.0-alpha2 for 1.21.4
Changes since v1.16.0-alpha1:
Updated the following mods to their latest 1.21.4 versions:
- Architectury API
- Better Stats
- Capes
- Fabric API
- Dynamic FPS
- ImmediatelyFast
- Iris
- Lithium
- Simple Voice Chat
- Sodium
- TCD Commons
Mods that still need to be updated to 1.21.4 (or even 1.21.3, for that matter - step up your game, modders...):
- Advancement Plaques
- Better Clouds
- Chat Heads
- Continuity
- Distant Horizons
- Eating Animation
- Entity Culling
- FerriteCore
- Flow
- Forge Config API Port
- Iceberg
- Indium
- Language Reload
- Legendary Tooltips
- Mod Menu
- ModernFix
- NotEnoughAnimations
- NotEnoughCrashes
- Particle Core
- Prism
- Puzzle
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Skin Layers 3D
- Sodium Extra
- Sound Physics Remastered
- Sounds
- Tiny Item Animations
Psora's Setup v1.16.0-alpha1 for 1.21.4
Changes since v1.15.1:
Updated the following mods to their latest 1.21.4 versions:
- C2ME
- Entity Model Features (EMF)
- Entity Texture Features (ETF)
- Fabric API
- In-Game Account Switcher
- Iris
- Simple Voice Chat
- Sodium (temporarily using alongside temporary jar file named "frapi", which will be incorporated into the actual jar for Sodium on its release)
Mods that didn't need an update and still work on 1.21.4:
- AmbientSounds
- Architectury API
- Bad Optimizations
- BetterF3
- Cardinal Components API
- Chat Animation
- Chat Notify
- Cloth Config API
- Collective
- CreativeCore
- Detail Armor Bar
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Falling Leaves
- Fast IP Ping
- Fzzy Config
- Immersive Thunder
- Krypton
- Logical Zoom
- Mouse Tweaks
- OptiGUI
- Presence Footsteps
- Shulker Box Tooltip
- Thread Tweak
- Villager Names
- Visuality
- Yet Another Config Lib
Mods that still need to be updated to 1.21.4 (or even 1.21.3, for that matter - step up your game, modders...):
- Advancement Plaques
- Better Clouds
- Better Stats
- Capes
- Chat Heads
- Continuity
- Distant Horizons
- Eating Animation
- Entity Culling
- FerriteCore
- Flow
- Forge Config API Port
- Iceberg
- ImmediatelyFast
- Indium
- Language Reload
- Legendary Tooltips
- Lithium
- Mod Menu
- ModernFix
- NotEnoughAnimations
- NotEnoughCrashes
- Particle Core
- Prism
- Puzzle
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Skin Layers 3D
- Sodium Extra
- Sound Physics Remastered
- Sounds
- TCD Commons
- Tiny Item Animations
Psora's Setup v1.15.1 for 1.21.3
Changes since v1.15.0:
Updated the following mods to their latest 1.21.3 versions:
- Better Clouds
- C2ME
- ChatNotify
- Debugify
- Entity Texture Features (ETF)
- Fabric API
- Falling Leaves
- Fzzy Config
- In-Game Account Switcher
- Presence Footsteps
- Shulker Box Tooltips
- Sounds
- ThreadTweak
- WorldEdit
Mods that still need to be updated to 1.21.3 (will be added as they release in future hotfix releases):
- Advancement Plaques
- ChatAnimation
- Continuity
- Distant Horizons
- Eating Animation
- Flow
- Iceberg
- Legendary Tooltips
- ModernFix
- NotEnoughCrashes
- Prism
- Tiny Item Animations
Psora's Setup v1.15.0 for 1.21.3
Changes since v1.15.0-alpha3:
Updated the following outdated mods to their latest 1.21.3 versions (as of 11/18/24):
- AmbientSounds
- BetterF3
- BetterStats
- C2ME
- Chat Heads
- CreativeCore
- Dynamic FPS
- Entity Model Features
- Entity Texture Features
- Entity Culling
- Fabric API
- ForgeConfigAPIPort
- Fzzy Config
- ImmediatelyFast
- Immersive Thunder
- Iris
- Lithium
- Not Enough Animations
- Puzzle
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Simple Voice Chat
- Shulker Box Tooltip
- Skin Layers 3D
- Sodium Extra
- Sodium
- TCD Commons
- Wavey Capes
Mods that are being permanently removed due to no planned future updates:
- Advancement Info
Changes since v1.14.2:
Updated every single mod in the entire pack to their latest 1.21.3 versions except for (as of 11/18/24):
- Chat Animation
- Indium
- Krypton
- Particle Core
Mods that still need to be updated to 1.21.3 (will be added as they release in future hotfix releases):
- Advancement Plaques
- Better Clouds
- ChatAnimation
- Continuity
- Debugify
- Distant Horizons
- Eating Animation
- Flow
- Iceberg
- In-Game Account Switcher
- Legendary Tooltips
- ModernFix
- NotEnoughCrashes
- Presence Footsteps
- Prism
- ThreadTweak
- Tiny Item Animations
- WorldEdit (supposedly compatible with 1.21.3 in a beta vesion but causes crash on loading into a world)
Psora's Setup v1.15.0-alpha3 for 1.21.3
Changes since v1.15.0-alpha2:
Updated the following outdated mods to their latest 1.21.3 versions (as of 11/01/24):
- C2ME
- Collective (new library mod for VillagerNames)
- Dynamic FPS
- ImmediatelyFast
- Language Reload
- Mouse Tweaks
- Simple Voice Chat
- Sodium
- VillagerNames
Mods that still need to be updated to 1.21.3 (will be added as they release in future alphas and betas leading to first stable release):
- 3D Skin Layers
- Advancement Info
- Advancement Plaques
- AmbientSounds
- Better Clouds
- BetterF3
- CreativeCore
- ChatAnimation
- Continuity
- Debugify
- Distant Horizons
- Eating Animation
- Entity Culling
- Flow
- Iceberg
- In-Game Account Switcher
- Legendary Tooltips
- Lithium
- ModernFix
- NotEnoughAnimations
- NotEnoughCrashes
- Presence Footsteps
- Prism
- Puzzle
- Shulker Box Tooltips
- ThreadTweak
- Tiny Item Animations
- WaveyCapes
- WorldEdit
Psora's Setup v1.15.0-alpha2 for 1.21.3
Changes since v1.15.0-alpha1:
Updated the following outdated mods to their latest 1.21.3 versions (as of 10/27/24):
- Architectury API
- BetterStats
- C2ME
- Cardinal Components
- Entity Model Features
- Entity Texture Features
- Fabric API
- FerriteCore
- Forge Config API Port
- Fzzy Config
- Logical Zoom
- Mouse Tweaks
- OptiGUI
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Sodium Extra
- Sounds Physics Remastered
- Sounds
- TCD Commons
- Visuality
Mods that still need to be updated to 1.21.3 (will be added as they release in future alphas and betas leading to first stable release):
- 3D Skin Layers
- Advancement Info
- Advancement Plaques
- AmbientSounds
- Better Clouds
- BetterF3
- CreativeCore
- ChatAnimation
- Continuity
- Debugify
- Distant Horizons
- Eating Animation
- Entity Culling
- Flow
- Iceberg
- In-Game Account Switcher
- Language Reload
- Legendary Tooltips
- Lithium
- ModernFix
- NotEnoughAnimations
- NotEnoughCrashes
- Presence Footsteps
- Prism
- Puzzle
- Shulker Box Tooltips
- ThreadTweak
- Tiny Item Animations
- Villager Names
- WaveyCapes
- WorldEdit
Psora's Setup v1.15.0-alpha1 for 1.21.3
Changes since v1.14.2:
Updated the following outdated mods to their latest 1.21.3 versions (as of 10/24/24):
- Architectury API
- BadOptimizations
- C2ME
- Capes
- Chat Heads
- Chat Notify
- Cloth Config API
- DetailArmorBar
- Dynamic FPS
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Falling Leaves
- Forge Config API Port
- Fzzy Config
- ImmediatelyFast
- Iris
- Mod Menu
- Sodium
- YetAnotherConfigLib
Mods that still need to be updated to 1.21.3 (will be added as they release in future alphas and betas leading to first stable release):
- 3D Skin Layers
- Advancement Info
- Advancement Plaques
- AmbientSounds
- Better Clouds
- BetterF3
- BetterStats
- Cardinal Components API
- CreativeCore
- ChatAnimation
- Continuity
- Debugify
- Distant Horizons
- Eating Animation
- Entity Model Features
- Entity Texture Features
- Entity Culling
- FerriteCore
- Flow
- Iceberg
- In-Game Account Switcher
- Language Reload
- Legendary Tooltips
- Lithium
- Logical Zoom
- ModernFix
- Mouse Tweaks
- NotEnoughAnimations
- NotEnoughCrashes
- OptiGUI
- Presence Footsteps
- Prism
- Puzzle
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Shulker Box Tooltips
- Sodium Extra
- Sound Physics Remastered
- Sounds
- TCD Commons
- ThreadTweak
- Tiny Item Animations
- Villager Names
- Visuality
- WaveyCapes
- WorldEdit
Psora's Setup v1.14.2 for 1.21.1
Changes since v1.14.1:
Updated the following mods to their latest 1.21.1 versions:
- AmbientSounds
- Better Clouds
- C2ME
- Chat Heads
- ChatNotify
- Cloth Config
- CreativeCore
- Debugify
- Distant Horizons
- Dynamic FPS
- Entity Texture Features (ETF)
- Entity Model Features (EMF)
- Entity Culling
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Fast IP Ping
- Forge Config API Port
- Fzzy Config
- Iceberg
- ImmediatelyFast
- Iris
- Lithium
- Logical Zoom
- NotEnoughAnimations
- OptiGui
- Puzzle
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Shulker Box Tooltips
- Sodium
- Sodium Extra
- Sounds
- Simple Voice Chat
- Wavey Capes
Temporarily missing the following mods which have not been updated to be compatible with 1.21.1:
- In-Game Account Switcher
Psora's Setup v1.14.1 for 1.21.1
Changes since v1.14.0:
Updated the following mods to their latest 1.21.1 versions:
- AmbientSounds
- BetterStats
- BetterF3
- C2ME
- ChatNotify
- CreativeCore
- Distant Horizons
- Entity Texture Features (ETF)
- Fabric API
- Fast IP Ping
- Fzzy Config
- Iris
- Mod Menu
Temporarily missing the following mods which have not been updated to be compatible with 1.21.1:
- Debugify
- In-Game Account Switcher
Psora's Setup v1.14.0 for 1.21.1
Changes since v1.13.3:
Updated the following mods to their latest 1.21.1 versions:
- Advancement Plaques
- AmbientSounds
- BetterStats
- C2ME
- Chat Heads
- ChatNotify
- Cloth Config
- CreativeCore
- DetailArmorBar
- DynamicFPS
- Entity Model Features (EMF)
- Entity Texture Features (ETF)
- Entity Culling
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Falling Leaves
- Flow
- ForgeConfigAPIPort
- Iceberg
- ImmediatelyFast
- Indium
- Iris
- Legendary Tooltips
- Lithium
- ModernFix
- NotEnoughAnimations
- NotEnoughCrashes
- ParticleCore
- Prism
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Simple Voice Chat
- Shulker Box Tooltips
- Skin Layers 3D
- Sodium Extra
- Sodium
- Sound Physics Remastered
- Sounds
- TCD Commons
- ThreadTweak
- Tiny Item Animations
- WaveyCapes
- WorldEdit
Temporarily removed the following mods which have not been updated to be compatible with 1.21.1:
- Debugify
- In-Game Account Switcher
- Distant Horizons
Psora's Setup v1.13.3 for 1.21
Changes since v1.13.2:
Re-added the following mods, which now have 1.21 versions:
- Advancement Info
- Advancement Plaques
- Iceberg
- Legendary Tooltips
- Prism
Updated the following mods already in the pack to their latest versions:
- Architectury API
- BetterStats
- Cardinal Components API
- ChatNotify
- Cloth Config
- CreativeCore
- DynamicFPS
- Flow
- ForgeConfigAPIPort
- ModernFix
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Shulker Box Tooltips
- Sounds
- TCD Commons
- Visuality
- WorldEdit
Mods that have yet to be re-added, pending updates to 1.21:
- Lazy DFU
- NotEnoughCrashes
- ThreadTweak