- Server switch messages are now sent to all servers so they can send any messages configured (player leaves minigames to go to survival but people in the hub server can still see that message). Not fully tested so please contact support if something breaks
- Message counts not working (probably)
- World specific messages work again
I'm not gonna lie, it's been a while since the last update and a few changes have been made since then. I may miss something and this may not be 100% stable. I am working on a recode once again though that will make it a lot better. It will also add support for Sponge and maybe any other plugin APIs
- Send certain messages only to players with the right permissions. Check new config file for information
- Support for Bungeecord/Waterfall and Velocity proxy. You can display messages when players switch servers. No proper documentation exists yet so join my discord for help with this if needed
- You can now have multiple "audience" options for a message. Useful for world or server change messages
- Support for reloading with the BetterReload plugin
- Update checker doesn't break the plugin if the update check fails for some reason
- Silent join/quits no longer display the vanilla message
- Priority now works on world change messages
Requires an updated config but it shouldn't break everything (maybe).
- Recoded the whole command system with a custom library ( if your interested, documentation soon)
- Added a "storage-type" option to switch between a custom system for tracking join, leave etc stats and using Minecrafts statistics system.
- Added an "editmsg" command. This allows you to edit a message if you have the correct permission using "/bm editmsg <message name> <new message>". User must have the permission "bettermessages.editmsg.<message name>". The console can also do this, it is good for custom message menus for example. Command from the console "/bm editmsgother <player> <message name> <new message>".
- And some general optimizations/bug fixes