- Added /bolt admin trust <player> which allows admins to edit players' trust lists (@rymiel)
- Added /bolt admin nearby <radius> which displays nearby protections (@rymiel)
- Updated /bolt admin find to also display protected entities in addition to blocks (@rymiel)
- Updated protections for beehives to always allow bees to interact with them (@rymiel)
- Updated community translations from Crowdin
- Fixed bundles not working inside of locked containers (@rymiel)
- Fixed empty messages being sent when a translation message is blank (@rymiel)
- Fixed an issue where entity protection access would not be checked properly with other plugins (@LOOHP)
- Fixed right clicking copper trapdoors not working (@rymiel)
- Fixed right clicking iron trapdoors working when iron door config is disabled (@rymiel)
- Fixed issue with waxed blocks sometimes being removed by admin cleanup (@rymiel)
- Removed trapdoor matcher which was not needed since trapdoors do not require a supporting block (@rymiel)
- Updated to support Minecraft 1.21.4
- Updated chest boat entity type IDs in the default config
- Updated community translations from Crowdin
- Added Norwegian translation (@erlpil)
- Fix an issue where door autoclose no longer worked with fence gates and trapdoors
- Fix an issue where iron trapdoors would no longer open even with the open-iron setting enabled
- Fix an issue when migrating LWC protections that use SQL timestamps instead of dates
- Fix an issue with profile lookups being made to invalid players when migrating Lockette protections
- Updated community translations from Crowdin
- Fixed a bug with the trust command not accepting non-default access types
- Fixed an issue where protection and access types in the config were case-sensitive
- Fixed double copper doors not opening together when at different oxidation levels
- Fixed default command permissions not being registered for some commands
- Fixed minimum API version not being correct leading to loading with errors on 1.20.4 and lower
- Added support for Java 21 instead of Java 17
- Improved server startup time by opting out of remapping on Paper
- Updated protectable entity names in the default config
- Updated adventure version for 1.20.6
- Fixed door protections including the block below the base block (@rymiel)
- Fixed double doors opening when the interaction is cancelled by another plugin
- Removed backwards compatibility layers for 1.18-1.20.4
- Added support for decorated pots and crafters (@rymiel)
- Added per player localization option (@rymiel)
- Added player mode default options (@rymiel)
- Added granular protection access permissions (@rymiel)
- Added API to get protections in a world region
- Added migration support from sign-based protection plugins
- Improved admin find command, now featuring pagination and click to teleport
- Improved info command, now with creation and last access time (@rymiel)
- Improved trust command with more intuitive usage, no longer using modify
- Improved lock command with optional "force" flag for admins making one-off protections
- Improved performance loading protections from the database on startup
- Improved performance of single permission checks on protections (@rymiel)
- Improved performance for migrating LWC entity protections
- Improved detection for existing protections when migrating from Bolt to LWC
- Improved detection of leashes breaking when an entity is too far away
- Improved detection of block breaking in some edge cases (@rymiel)
- Updated bolt.mod permission to allow viewing protections (@rymiel)
- Updated access list entries to not display default access
- Updated commands to not require a source identifier for a unique source type
- Updated community translations from Crowdin
- Fixed admin cleanup command only being able to be run once (@rymiel)
- Fixed admin purge command not being able to be run from console
- Fixed edit and modify command throwing an error with the wrong number of arguments (@rymiel)
- Fixed "edited" confirmation message appearing when making invalid protection modifications (@rymiel)
- Fixed dispensers and droppers activated by redstone not checking for redstone permissions (@rymiel)
- Fixed double doors being openable even if blocked by another plugin (@rymiel)
- Fixed potential for blocking profile lookups in commands
- Fixed bolt database type configuration being case sensitive when it should be insensitive
- Fixed access list entry format not being translatable
- Fixed source type and access type not being translatable (@rymiel)
- Updated community translations from Crowdin
- Fixed an issue where the use-action-bar setting did not function correctly on 1.20.2
- Fixed an incorrect permission check related to interacting with protected pressure plates
- Added support for deposit and withdraw on item frames and armor stands
- Added /bolt admin expire <time> which removes inactive protections
- Updated default auto protect type for ender chests to public
- Updated community translations from Crowdin
- Fixed an issue where anvil protections were not being removed when they break from use
- Fixed an issue where adjacent doors with different types were being detected as a double door
- Fixed an issue where action permissions were not being checked again on use
- Fixed an issue with interactions of certain protected blocks with other plugins installed
- Removed additional checks being made for blocks connected to protected armor stands
- Added checks to protected chiseled bookshelves for depositing and withdrawing books
- Added checks to protected sculk sensors for players interacting and activating them
- Added sub-command permissions for the /bolt admin command
- Added optional protection autoprotect and lock permissions
- Updated the /lock [type] command to allow changing lock types with edit access
- Updated community translations from Crowdin
- Fixed a possible index creation error which could happen when using a MySQL database
- Removed checks for pistons pushing protected entities which caused issues
Just a courtesy update to let everyone know that all Bolt versions already support Minecraft 1.20! Releasing an update just to add hanging signs to the default config & fix a minor bug, as well as improve translation support.
- Added #all_hanging_signs tag to the default configuration
- Added Chinese translation (@weiguangtwk & @minesunshineone)
- Added Russian translation (@imdanix)
- Updated Vietnamese translation (@zeddezmc)
- Fixed permission access check for player triggered block changes (e.g. composters)
- Added Japanese translation (@siroshun09)
- Improved LWC config migration by converting blocks to existing tags if possible
- Fixed error message trying to register incompatible event handlers on Spigot