Updated piglins, zombie piglins, piglin brutes, and skeleton CEM. Fix to Ravager CEM, added more easter eggs
new Firework charge textures for different types, new music disc textures, new dye textures, bundles textures for fullness, support for Appleskin, and more
New textures for GUI
new Door & trapdoor item textures, various misc items, new chainmail armor item textures, new leather armor texture (and items), new book textures, minecart item textures, fixed issue with bell being held
All food items have been either tweaked or have completely new textures, and now have eating animations (fish eating anims are yet to come). Potions and drinks have custom drinking animations.
New bow, arrows, tipped arrows, and spectral arrow textures. clock texture, cherry leaves, sky & fog color changed, wart blocks given emissive texture variant, and minor tweak to lightmaps
new texture for 2D Brewing stand, Beetroot, Sweet Berries, Glow Berries, Honeycomb, Melon slice, and Glistering Melon slice. Adjusted colors of Honeycomb block, and tweaked how swords are held in first-person.
Fixed baby goat, added custom models for baby goat and horse, made a few edits to sun texture, slight adjustment to snow color palette
Adjusted plains and forest grass colors, added falling leaves for spruce, issue with zombie villagers dealt with (bandaid for now)
Fixed issue with Crossbow
Fixed swords and mace
Potions, Bottles, adjustments to grass & foliage colors, Birch leaves, Diamond color palette, More that i dont remember
The first version of the Aesthtics Visuals to be publicly released. Too many changes to list