Small, Variation, Update
Added and Remembered to add some little things and also little changes.
- Renamed Older Gamerules to start with entity in the gamerule menu instead of mob for better clarity.
- Slight Rework to the Mutations Effect which makes them slightly balanced. Instead of being completly random, a value is random which determines how bulky or light you are. This was how I oringinally wanted the effect but I couldn't figure it out, until now.
A better explanation for this effect if you don't understand, if you have more health than youll be slower and heavier, if you're quicker than you'll have less health and be lighter.
- "Added" dragonEggIncreasesVariation gamerule which increases the normal and powerful variations gamerule whenever a player picks up the dragon egg. This is off by default and a bit buggy.
- Powerful Mobs now drop 1-2 Powerful Dust instead of just 1.
Maybe other little bug fixes too but thats about everything. Mod is in a gooder state now so yeah, Have Fun! Oh and Wahoo!
Completly Remade!?!
Yo I'm Back, and I'm jumping straight to 2.0 with this update because the mod was basically just remade/rewritten. Sorry for the bugs along the way but here I'll get rid of alot of them, and maybe make some new ones.
Mcreator version 2025.1! This means code is written better and more organized and also I didn't have to use so many plugins to make this. The mod should run better with this change. (Before this the mod was on 2023.4!)
Completly Remade almost all code! While I haven't updated many mods I have been doing stuff behind the scenes and now my "code" is way cleaner. I tore many scripts/procedures down and rebuilt them better and even reorganized a few things making it easier to update this mod. This should make the mod run even better and be even more optimized. Also many bugs fixed!
Reworked Variations! That might be a stretch but now mobs shouldn't randomly change variations and have weird delays. Also less crashes as the mod now checks attributes before changing them. Also there are more attributes/stats being changed now, so overall basically better and also now more balanced/natural.
Reworked Powerful Mobs! Also a slight stretch but yeah they were remade. Powerful mobs now spawn more often at night. They now have a exponential value with their speed so they can't go mach 10, but they now gain armor with a random value usually between 1-15 if you haven't touched the gamerules. The Xp they drop is now linked to their health too!
Reworked Mutation Effect! The mutation effect has a better texture and works like a normal effect now. However as the way I change attributes is different now, I had to make some small changes to the effect and it is now not totally random with most stats being either good or bad now. It's hard to explain but you can check it ingame. And the effect is now applied normally rather than just by the food.
Goodbye Difficulty Scaling! This mod no longer has the difficulty scaling based on advancements and stuff. I removed it as it was a big mess and made the mod unnecessarily complex. But as a little replacement I added a new very little gamerule which kinda does this, just read the next thing.
Cooler Gamerules! There were like 8 different dumb gamerules before which were hard to understand so I got rid of them and replaced them with 3 instead
entityNormalVariability - This controls the range/how varied mobs can spawn. The default is 1, setting it to 2 will make mobs have the possibility to be twice as varied basically.
entityPowerfulVariability - This controls the range of how strong powerful mobs can be. Works like the normal variability, higher numbers usually mean that these dudes will be stronger
entityPowerfulnessRarity - This controls how rare it is for a powerful dude to spawn. Those mobs spawn from a number between 1-this number so the higher the number the rarer. The default is 100, and setting it to 0 will disable them from spawning.
Yup. I probably missed a few things but those are the most important. I also fixed the mod being varianting instead of variating, woops.
Oh also, Powerful dust can be composted and used as fuel now!
Enjoy the Update and Have fun!
Big bob update
- Added Powerful Dust, Gotten from killing Powerful Mobs. Has a few different uses.
- Added Altering Cookie, when eaten it randomizes your stats by a little bit for 30 minutes.
- Added Mutational bread, it costs more power dust but randomizes your stats by even more
- Added Mutated Effect which does nothing on it's own it just resets your stats when over.
- Added a new damage type.
- Added Science Rules!.. advancement gotten from eating any mutating food.
- Added Luck of the Dust advancement gotten from not getting blown up from eating the dust.
- Added Not So Big advancement gotten from killing a powerful mob.
Big update, yeah!. But this is cool since the "mutations" are compatible with other things since they are instead called modifiers and don't just change your base stats/attributes.The dust can be composted for some reason and also the food is animated. Pretty cool and Have Fun!
Controlling Commands
- Added "Scalenormalvariationby" command to manually change the multiplier for variation range.
- Added "Scalepowerfulnessby" command to manually change the multiplier for powerful mobs.
Both commands have a True/False and a number, The true/false is for whether the number should add on to the existing multiplier(true) or reset it(false). The number is self explanatory, for some background info a "big achievement" gives around 0.2 extra normal variation and 0.04 extra powerfullness. That's it have fun!
Bug no more.
Fixes variation scaling not working and tweaked it so much that It's practically perfect. Not really needed to lower the mobscaleswithfactor when you add many new advancements since now major story advancements are the things that increase difficulty the most. So getting 100 advancements in a random mod won't make the game unfair anymore. And instead going to the nether or the end or beating the dragon will make the game slightly harder FOREVER!!
Also added a command for my debugging but you can check it out, called "resetvariationscaling"
That's it, I put alot of effort here to fix this bug since it was an annoying one. But yeah, Have Fun!
Gamerules and Scales
- Added variationStrength gamerule
- Added Powerfulguystrength gamerule
- Also added Mobscaleswithyou gamerule
- And added Mobscalewithyoufactor gamerule
- Added Difficulty scaling to this mod which is based off your achievements.
Everything will be explained in the description but I'll explain the scaling a bit here. It's optional because I put a gamerule but it is hard and maybe fun. When you get an achievement it will raise the gamerules of variationstrength and powerfulguystrength a teeny tiny bit. Don't worry you can still 100% the base game and still be able to kill a single chicken or zombie or a powerful zombie. Non-powerful mobs will have more random stats like Even higher or lower health or even higher lower or higher speed. But powerful mobs will just be stronger over time. I recomend lowering the Mobscalewithyoufactor gamerule if you have many mods adding 100 advancements. Base minecraft has 122 advancements as of now so that's what it's based off but if you have like 300 advancements and plan on 100% the game still than set that gamerule to like 0.6.
That's alot to read, you don't have to read it but either way, have fun!